How to Promote Virginia Real Estate With a Drone Property Video

May 27, 2015 | General Aerial Videography

The days when selling, a property by showing plenty of photographs is way in the past. These days more and more agents are looking towards real estate drone videography to sell their high-end listings in style. At one time, drone videography was too rich for even the best real estate agents blood, but with home sales going up and prices of drones going down, that is no longer a huge problem. Below you will find some ways that you can promote your Virginia real estate with a drone property video today.

Legal Implications

The FAA had gotten pretty strict for a while there on the use of video drones. If you are going to have a video drone for your real estate listings, you really need to hire a very experienced pilot. There have been many cases where people have been hurt by these drones, causing the FAA to impose large fines on companies who were using them. The area is still a little grey on the matter, so check to be sure exactly what is and isn’t legal in the city where you are using one.


Aerial photography allows you to take video from the sky of the offices, houses, or outbuildings that you are trying to sell. This is especially helpful when it comes to selling land. This gives the perspective buyer a unique and fascinating view of the property from every angle imaginable. The use of video drones has been known to draw in many more buyers than traditional photography ever could.

This type of photography is especially useful to people who have homes that are surrounded by woods and trees, making it hard to get a clear shot. Aerial photography can zoom into your surroundings and get amazing shots that will sell your home fast and easily.

The price of video drones has dropped enough that many real estate agents can afford to use them for their property selling. If you have thought about hiring a video drone service then now is certainly the time to do so.


Of course, there are a few disadvantages to using drone videography as well. Below are a few of these disadvantages for your to consider.

You don’t want to use a drone on a day when there is a lot of wind, as you can end up breaking a high-powered camera and run the risk of hurting someone. You also want to be sure that you hire someone who knows what they are doing, as these things are not toys and you need to know what you are doing to use one.

These are just a few of the reasons that you might want to use drone videography to promote your real estate properties. You need to look at the advantages and disadvantages, before making any firm decisions as to whether you want to use drone videography for your real estate properties or not.